2024 Southeast Value-Added Dairy Conference & Carolina Meat Conference Reminder!

— Written By
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2024 Southeast Value-Added Dairy Conference & Carolina Meat Conference


Conference Information
: The 2024 SEVAD annual conference will be held in Boone, North Carolina on July 30th and 31st with an optional farm tour on July 29th. This year the Southeast Dairy Business Innovation initiative will collaborate with the Carolina Meat Conference to provide hands-on educational and networking opportunities, innovative marketing and packaging techniques, how to get access to retail space, food safety and hazard audits, networking opportunities, hands-on training, and technical and business assistance! Attached you will find a list of suggested sessions for dairy producers to attend during the conference; however, you are more than welcome to attend sessions that are not listed. There will be opportunities for everyone to attend general sessions.

Registration link

Scholarship Opportunity: Dairy-specific farmers, processors, students, apprentices, and allied businesses are eligible to receive a partial ($150 value) scholarship. If you are awarded a scholarship you will be sent a comp code via email which you will use to register for the conference using the Registration link.

Scholarship Application linked here.

Dairy Competition: During the conference we will also be concurrently hosting the Southeast Farmstead Dairy products Competition & the Got to be NC Dairy Competition. The competition will be judged on Wednesday 31st at Appalachian State University, 287 Rivers Street, Boone, NC 28608. Please see the attached rules for eligibility requirements for the competition.

SE Farmstead ruleshttps://sdbii.tennessee.edu/…/Southeast-Farmstead-Dairy…

NC Ruleshttps://sdbii.tennessee.edu/…/North-Carolina-State-Fair…

Competition Registration linked here

For Additional information please visit the SEVAD website or the Carolina Meat Conference website

2024 Main flier Dairy Products Competition Dairy Sessions Farm Tour Information